Ethics in Research
College gives importance to follow ethical guidelines established by the college and along with UGC ( and manonmaniam Sundaranar University in carrying out the research. Plagiarism check is an important requirement for all research works
- The research thesis dissertation and publications must be tested for plagiarism before submitting it to the University / College.
- The thesis/dissertation shall be accepted if the percentage of plagiarism is less than 25%
- The plagiarism software is available in the college library to check the research article proposal and project reports.
- Compulsorily URKUND software or other accepted software should be followed to check Plagiarism and permissible range up to 25% for Results and Discussion part of the Thesis for the Science Subjects and Analysis and conclusion part for the Arts subjects
- The college encourages research departments to conduct workshops in research methodology where ethics is an integral part.
- Each student shall be instructed to furnish an undertaking indicating that the thesis is their original work and free of any plagiarism and shall submit a certificate regarding Plagiarism Check
- Any violations in this regard should be taken for necessary disciplinary action.